Project Detail:
M/s A. Dean & Co. prop. Pamta Limestone Mine proposes to undertake limestone mining activity from lease area of 4.4 ha, located on hill slope at Mauza Chitali & Shamah Pamta, tehsil Paonta sahib, district Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Earlier, mining activity commenced in in 1977 as grant order for mining of lime stone from 275-17 bigha of land in Village Pamta, Tehsil Paonta Sahib, District Sirmaur, Himacha Pradesh was issued to Himachal Industries Mineral Mining Company vide letter No./Grant order No. 5-47/76-Ind(Gld), dated 18/10/1976 & lease deed was executed on 20/09/1977. The said Mining Lease was transferred in favour of M/s A. Dean & Co. vide letter no. Ind-VI(F)(12)(7)/76 dated 06/12/1982.
Total Project Cost: Cr. 12851500
Note: Please Download Project Document attached to this Project for more information.