Project News Detail

Project No :203118
Project Title :Titan Intech's Board Approves Electric Manufacturing Services Facility.
Company Name : Private Company
Project Detail :Titan Intech has decided to establish a comprehensive electric manufacturing services (EMS) facility. The company's Board of Directors has duly considered and approved the plan, which includes both original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and original design manufacturer (ODM) capabilities.

The company's move is in line with establishing the company's expertise in manufacturing and support innovation, with its primary focus on chip on board (COB) mini-LED backlighting, and for the Railways and Defence sectors in both Indian and global markets.

The entire project is estimated at around Rs 550 crore.

The initiative would further enable the company to cater to diverse customer needs under the 'Make in India' and Digital India programs.
Project Location : Not Classified - Not Classified - india
Project Industry :Electronics
Project Estimation :Refer Document
Status :Announced