
Central Government/Public SectorProject Information Environment Clearance - Proposed Residential Project at Re-Survey Nos. 1/34 & 1/38, Nadama Village, Thripunithura- . Municipality, Kanayannur Taluk. INR 178 Cr INR 1.78 Bn
PID : 65843 Kerala-India

Project Detail:

The e nv ironm ental param eters lik ely to be af fected b y a c onstruction project are related to m any f actors, i.e. ph ysica l, soc ial, eco nom ic etc. The op erations m a y disturb en viro nm ent of the project area and its surround ings in var ious ways, such as rem oval of m ass / ea rth, change of landscape, clearing of f lora a nd di sp lacem ent of f auna of the area, surf ace drainage, and l ik el y c hange in a ir qua lit y, water qualit y and soil qua lit y. W hile f or the purpose of develop ment and econom ic up-lif tm ent of people, t here is need for establishm ent of the project, but these should be e nv ironment f riend ly. Then o nly a sust ainab le devel opm ent can be ensured. Theref ore, it is ess en tia l to asse ss the im pacts of proposed project on diff erent environm ental param eters, bef ore starting the co nstruction acti vities as well as the operat ional act iv itie s, so that abatem ent m easures coul d be planned in advance f or the area.

Total Project Cost: Cr.178

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